Hi @Rishabh20,
Welcome to the Klaviyo Community, we are so happy you’re here!
I love that you’re looking to bounce ideas off of other users in the Community! I think this a good place to start with metrics to track for post-purchase flows. I’d also recommend checking out our Building a Flow Performance Report documentation for further insight into building a custom report like this. While customizing your dashboard reporting and exporting metrics can be different between brands, I’d love to hear from @retention,@Mailbox Manny, or @NJVasic on what they’ve seen work best for them when it comes to flow or reporting in general?
I would recommend checking out this other community post to access more insight into helpful reporting strategies.
Additionally, I’d suggest checking out our Academy courses to build on your Klaviyo product knowledge, especially if you’re in the beginning of your journey!
Thanks for your participation in the Community!
Hey Rishabh,
Great questions. Everyone has different ways they like to see data (and even what data they like to see). Within the platform, there’s A LOT of metrics you can track and the reporting within Klaviyo are great access it. The link to Flow reporting sent by Taylor is a great place to start.
Personally, I’m a spreadsheet person, so I’m doing the same as you.. exporting it into a Google Sheet, where I can format it the way I like to see it.
As for what metrics to track, it all depends on what your goals are and what stage you’re in. For me, I only track the higher level metrics for the flows in the Google sheet and if the numbers are looking off, I go into each flow and see how each email is performing.
Hope that helps!
Very helpful Manny - is it possible for you to send me a screenshot of what your spread sheet looks like? Obviously please do mask the numbers! I also understand if you’re not open to it, thanks for the tips :)
Thanks @taylor, I’m going to be looking at your links now!