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For example, the popular Klaviyo statistic that 70% of shoppers abandon their cart.


I’m trying to get a statistic of how many people add an item to their cart vs. actually start the checkout. 


I want to create a social post to highlight the need for an abandoned checkout & an abandoned cart post.


Comment your favorite sites with similar information down below please


Thanks so much

Hello @GaryV_123,

I may be a tad but biased here, but I would suggest checking out our Klaviyo Blog page. You’ll not only find blog articles, but also case studies from various brands on their success and learning experiences. 

I’m also a big fan of the And then this happened Klaviyo Podcast which shares the success stories of various Klaviyo customers. 

Don’t know if some of our Champions have other resources they typically like to highlight - @retention, @Spark Bridge Digital LLC, @Omar, @Bobi N., @In the Inbox, @chelsgrove, @ebusiness pros, @KatherineB, @Ashley I.


@GaryV_123 the Shopify blog has a lot of resources like that. 

Thanks for the call-out @David To .

I also really enjoy the DTC newsletter which shares a lot of ecommerce insights and trends. You can sign up here. 
