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We ran a test email campaign to verify analytics were working correctly by sending the test campaign to an internal company email. The email was received in our Microsoft Outlook inbox just fine. We opened the email and clicked all the links - everything worked as it should.

However, when we checked in Klaviyo, campaign analytics only showed that we received the email and clicked links. It didn’t show that we’d opened the email. We waited over an hour to allow for updates, and still nothing.

We ran a second test with the exact same email sent to the same company address. This time we double-clicked the email to open it in a pop-out window instead of Outlook’s main inbox window. Only then did Klaviyo register that we opened the email.

Is there a way to record email opens when an email is viewed in Outlook’s main inbox window and not in a pop-out window? This will significantly lower our open rates if we’re missing these instances.

Hi there @SDRobots 


Welcome to the Community and thank you for sharing your question with us! Great question! 



This is related to the way Klaviyo tracks email opens and how Outlook occasionally prevents this process from happening. Klaviyo tracks email opens by a little image pixel within the email. Occasionally, Outlook will not load images or other things such as email clipping, or image blockers will prevent the tracking pixel from loading, which is why the opens might not be tracked.


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