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188 submits on my list, but only 53 when i start a campaign?

  • 26 June 2024
  • 4 replies

Hi all,

I am very new to Klaviyo. Have only started collecting emails using Klaviyo. When I look at my email pop up submits for the last 365 days (i started a couple of months ago), I have 188 submits. 

When I start a campaign I select my email list and it only says 53 people, with another segment saying potential customers of 50. 


Where is everyone else that has signed up and should be on my list? Is there something else I need to do to be able to send to my full list?

Is it because I am on the lowest account level actually thinking about it? I will research that now but still leave this question up in case it’s something different. 


Thanks in advance. 

4 replies


Update, I have just started paying for a 500 active profiles level, but it’s still the same, only 53 people that I can send a campaign to?

Userlevel 7
Badge +30

Hi @smiler5000 

Welcome to the community and thank you for posting your question. 

First things first, go to your list settings and check to see if the list is configured as double opt-in. To find the list settings go:

Audience > Lists & Segments > [select your list] > Settings (found in the tab navigation under the list name at the top) > Consent

Under Opt-in process you find two options: 

  • Double Opt-in
  • Single Opt-in

If Double Opt-in is enabled, this means when someone subscribes to your popup, Klaviyo will send them an automated email that they have to then click a button in to fully subscribe to your list.

So, while your popup metrics show you’ve had 188 contacts submit, only 53 have confirmed their subscription from the double opt-in email. 

Double opt-in is recommended as it does protect you from fake/invalid emails and help filter out less engaged users from the beginning, which will help improve your overall email deliverability. That said, depending on the GEO your contacts are based, double opt-in might be required by law. 

However, if users don’t know they need to go confirm their subscription via the email or forget, then you don’t grow your list as quickly.

I hope that helps!

@In the Inbox 


Thanks for the reply. I do use double opt in, so I think its that. I will have a look at adding “please confirm your email” or similar in the pop up box and see if that helps. 


Cheers for your help. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +30

HI @smiler5000 

Ok, sounds good! Please let us know if you have any additional questions.


@In the Inbox 
