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I've created abandon cart and browse abandon flows. However, when I test there are no products showing. I’ve used the standard templates for this. 

Appreciate the help in advance. 




Hi @SK789 

Thank you for posting your question in the community and I am sorry to hear you’re having troubles with your new cart and browse abandon emails working properly. 

To start to troubleshoot why the products might not be showing, I would first look in your metrics section to be sure the integration with your ecommerce platform is passing Klaviyo the product data to display in the emails. Since you are using the standard templates vs. customized emails, I suspect there might be an issue with your integration. 

To view the metrics, in the left-hand navigation, expand the Analytics section and click on Metrics. Then, I would filter the Metrics to only show those associated with your ecommerce platform (example: Shopify).

Next, click on the Checkout Started metric and verify you see the metric has been occurring over the past several days. If this graph is showing no events, then you’ll want to fix the event is firing first. 

For the browse abandon flow, you would have had to configure your website to track the Active on Website and Viewed Products events. If you are using Shopify and completed the Shopify <> Klaviyo integration, these events would be integrated, but they would not be shown under the “Shopify” Metrics.

You’d update the filter to show “API” where you would find the Active on Site and Viewed Product events. Again, click on each metric to verify if Klaviyo is seeing those events fire through your ecommerce integration. 

If not, you’ll want to go back and check the settings on your ecommerce integration. For Shopify, I’ve included the integration document below for reference:

If you confirm all three metrics are passing data into Klaviyo and you’re seeing those events in the Metrics section, we can root out this as the issue and dig deeper into the configuration of the emails themselves.

I hope this helps! 

@In the Inbox 


Thank you for your reply. 

So, I’ve checked shopify and klaviyo are integrated properly. 




but no data is being captured within Klaviyo from shopify for these;


Am I missing something here for these to work?





HI @SK789 

Great, glad to hear you’ve audited your integration and based on the screenshots it does appear everything should be integrated. 

For some reason, the three events you are looking for don’t actually appear in Metrics as a Shopify event, but appear under the API option. 


If you don’t see them there, then its possible the events haven’t fired yet as the metrics will only appear when at least one event has fired (but given these events, I would expect you’ll find them!)

Give that a look and hopefully you’ll find everything there!

@In the Inbox 


I’ve checked these - i suppose there is no need to add a code for Browse Abandonment on shopify anymore?


along with this; why can’t i see images of the products which customers left at browse and cart abandonment. 



Was this issue ever resolved? I am having the same issues and like @SK789 I have confirmed that everything is set up correctly but it is still not working. 
