Thanks in advance for your help.
I’m a little confused for a cart abandonment email flow. I want a customer to enter the email flow if the following conditions are met:
- They’ve NEVER bought from my store before
- They haven’t been in the flow for at least 120 days (ex: they abandoned cart in the past and received abandoned cart email, but still didn’t order and return 1 year later)
Initially, I had set the trigger has “When someone Checkout Started.” with flow filters: “Ordered product zero times over all time” and “has not been in flow in the last 120 days”
I figured that “Ordered product zero times over all time” would be they have never bought from my store before AND they did not end up purchasing since the flow started. However, a new customer bought from our store and 15 minutes later (time delay set on abandoned email flow) still got the abandoned email.
Does this mean that I need 3x filters? “Ordered product zero times over all time”, “has not been in flow in the last 120 days”, and “Ordered product zero times since starting this flow”?