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abandoned cart flow - identical emails

  • 21 February 2021
  • 2 replies

Hi, I'm new to Klaviyo and have set an abandoned cart flow.

The thing is that the email can be sent to the same customer about how many different cart abandonments he had in the short term. This thing does not look good to me because the customer gets a lot of identical emails.

I made an attempt and abandoned the cart several times in a short period of time, and received 5 emails!

I would love to hear what you offer to do?

2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +8

Hi there,

One method would be to use Klaviyo’s Smart Sending feature, which you can read about here.

Another approach would be to add a flow filter which ensures that the customer has not been in this flow in the last day. You can learn more about this filter here.

Hope this helps.



Userlevel 7
Badge +42


What we do in this case is we set a flow filter “Has not been in this flow in the last 30 days”, with this people will receive same email still but not to often, only once a month.. you can lower or upgrade the 30 days according to what fits your store the most..
