I’ve set up a reviews flow for fulfilled orders which is working for current and recent customers (within the last 2 weeks). I’ve got a list of about 90 customers from December - to January that I’d like to send the reviews email to straight away (with flow emails afterwards), but back-populating the flow wouldn’t include those customers.
I set up a separate flow for the Dec-Jan customers and created a list with only those contacts. In the flow I set that as Fulfilled Order with a trigger filter that they were in the Dec-Jan Reviews customer list and were added between 0 and 81 days ago just to be certain.
Initially I had no time delay but no records were queued for delivery. I added the 1 hour time delay and hit back-populate and still nothing.
Below is a screen grab of the Flow, can you please advise what I’m doing wrong and how I can send out the review email flow straight away to this specific group of customers.