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Browse Abandon flow FAILING / Abandon Cart flow - not reading user (same user testing for both)

  • 7 June 2024
  • 1 reply

I am currently testing both of these flows but they are not working and I’m not sure why.

Browse Abandoned - the user is being picked up under Activity reports, however the flow is failing please see screenshot provided below.

Abandoned Cart - the user is adding products into their cart but when i look into the Activity they are not showing up as being active at all.

Any ideas why this is happening? It’s the same user testing for both who prior to these screenshots subscribed as a newsletter member (see final screenshot below)




1 reply

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Can anyone help me diagnose this issue, as right now my Klaviyo flows are not working and I have no idea why?

I have not launched my shop yet so I’m on the basic plan otherwise I would reach out to their live chat support.
