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Browse Abandonment emails while sending Welcome Flow

  • October 28, 2021
  • 4 replies

Active Contributor IV
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I would like to hear recommendations what are the best practices to setup Browse abandonment Flow for profiles that are still receiving Welcome Flow emails as well as the recommendations to improve my Welcome Flow.

My current Welcome Flow sends 5 emails during one week. I am experimenting with this flow in an attempt to get better results, because placed order rate is really low (0,20%).

So my email sequences is as follow:

  1. Welcome email with an incentive (10% off for the first order. I wasn’t offering discount earlier, so maybe the discount itself will improve the results)
  2. Introduction of our team (no product is showed in the email)
  3. Request to update their profile (choose which products categories they are interested in. No product is showed in the email)
  4. Reminder about the discount code and here I show the product she has viewed (not mentioning it's a product she's been looking at - what's more the wording of Browse Abandonment Flow -  I'm just putting a picture just in between the copy)
  5. If during that time she looks at a popular and profitable product, I highlight the benefits of that particular product, write reviews, and remind her of the discount. Otherwise, I just write general reviews about our products and remind her about the discount.

My current Browse Abandonment Flow does not exclude people who are in the Welcome Flow and I am worried about too many emails would be sent. But on the other hand I am hopping that Browse Abandonment emails would help to convert those subscribers.

Would appreciate opinions from other marketers.

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Taylor Tarpley
Community Manager
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  • October 28, 2021

Hi @Lina


Thanks for sharing your question with the Community! 


Congrats on creating these flows! I can definitely understand wanting to drive conversions as soon as possible and I think offering a discount is a great incentive.


When asking the question, ‘What is best practice here?’, it’s often best to think about the user’s experience with your brand. It might be valuable to reconsider the frequency of email sends in your welcome flow as well as how many emails a user is receiving at one time. We have the option of turning on Smart Sending for Flow emails, to ensure that customers aren’t bombarded with multiple messages if they trigger multiple flows from your brand in too small of a time frame that wouldn’t foster a good experience. You want, in a sense, for your customers to look forward to your emails and not feel like they’re receiving ‘too many’. This sentiment from customers might lead to your messages being marked as ‘spam’ or a user unsubscribing from your brand.


Something else I wonder if you’d be interested in is tagging customers with a profile property when they are ‘in a Flow’ or in a ‘Welcome flow’ specifically. I have heard other users use this tactic so they can exclude customers from receiving campaigns or triggering other flows in order to create a specific first experience with your brand for new customers. 


I would recommend taking a look at these posts and help center articles on what could be considered ‘best practice’ or additional ideas for welcome flows! 

Take Your Welcome Series To the Next Level 


However, I’d love to also hear from other users’ who could share their experience with how browse abandonment and welcome flows work together! 


Thanks for sharing your question in the Community! 


Active Contributor IV
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  • Active Contributor IV
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  • November 3, 2021

Hi Taylor,


Thank you for your response. I, actually use the profile property to identify if a profile has finished Welcome flow in order not to send Campaigns to them and was wondering if I should remove them from Browse abandonment flow as well.

Malachi McG
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  • March 6, 2022

Hi Lina, I found this post searching for something else, and figured I’d offer my perspective in case it helps. 

But my two cents from afar...I wouldn’t recommend not sending Campaigns to anyone just because they finished the Welcome Flow. There may be someone who is still opening and clicking on those emails, but for whatever reason just hasn’t decided to purchase yet. A campaign may be exactly what they need to get over the hump, whether it’s a special offer, a time of year, special occasion, product they haven’t seen yet, etc. 

I wouldn’t remove them from the Browse Abandonment Flow for the same reasons. 

Instead, I would recommend creating a segment of “unengaged” subscribers and suppress them from each campaign, or suppress them from your lists entirely. You would have to define “unengaged” for your audience based on the quantity and frequency of emails you are sending and how often they interact with those emails over a certain time period. Ex. Has received 15+ emails in last 90 days, clicked zero, viewed product, and placed order zero times…

Hope this helps!

Taylor Tarpley
Community Manager

Hi @Malachi McG


Thanks for offering your input to a peer! Love to see the Community sharing ideas together!