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Is there a way to add personalization to the From Name of an email. If so, how do I test it to make sure it works?




What did you have in mind in terms of personalizing the From Name? 

We would like to add our customer’s vet name to the start of the From name, to let customers know that this specific email is coming from their vet. 

{{ Vet Name|default:'Your Vet' }} from VIP Petcare

Hi @John.Parker,

Great question! I think that since you already have the vet name data stored in a profile you can use template tags/ variable syntax to personalize the email. Is that something that you were looking for?

Do you know how I can test this From Name personalization with real data? 

@John.Parker create a burner email (another one that you use personally) and create a test profile on it with sample data you'd have for real subscribers.  Create a segment with only that email and then send yourself a campaign.  
