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Hello. I am Sasha. New to Klaviyo and I am looking for some help here in order to setup my email marketing automation.

I am sitting up an online coffee webstore and subscription box concept allowing people to subscribe to a home coffee delivery plan but also if they don’ t want to,  just shop for coffee equipments.

my question is how to set up a flow to trigger a personalised welcome  email only to subscribers who bought a coffee subscription plan and not to everyone else who made only purchase of coffee tools?

A different email will also be send to people who are only shopping but not subscribing.

If anyone has a knowledge not will help.


Welcome to the community @sasha 

You can differentiate products in a flows using a placed order or ordered product trigger with filters or splits. Lots of ways to achieve this depending on your specific use case.

From what you’ve described, I’d consider a placed order trigger with a trigger split (see below for Shopify).

You select your coffee subscription product (blurred in split details below) for that condition. Anyone who has purchased a coffee subscription goes down the YES branch, all others down the NO branch.

This type of flow will trigger for each order placed by a customer, so you will likely want to add a profile filter so they only go through it once. That can be either ‘Has not been in this flow at any time’ or ‘placed order equals 1 over all time’

Does that help?




Hey Sasha! For that you’ll rely on flow trigger filters in your flow. You’ll start with the Placed Order trigger (or if it is specific to your subscription app, it can be that!) and then in your flow filter’s you apply that you want the item to equal the name of our coffee subscription.

How it looks and what is available to select in the dropdowns can depend a lot on your integrations, feel free to send over a screenshot when experimenting and can help you lock it in!

Hi Andy, Thank you very much for your explanation. It seems like it is the right way. However, I am still a bit confused as I don't have the same option as you on my “trigger split details” screen.


No problem @sasha 

Metric dimensions and their values only appear once they’ve been captured for the first time. So if you’ve yet to receive any live orders, you would need to place a test order for those placed order metrics to appear as options in your trigger split.

It’s worth mentioning that if that first order is placed for a ‘coffee tool’ product, you will see placed order metrics as available options, but a ‘coffee subscription’ product won’t appear as a dimension value option in the list until someone orders a coffee subscription. However, you can still type ‘coffee subscription’ i.e the actual product name in the dimension field. However, it’s less error-prone to place a test order and then select from the list.




so what you mean is that  I need to place an order through Shopify? Buy an items and also subscription?


so what you mean is that  I need to place an order through Shopify? Buy an items and also subscription?

Yes @sasha, you can place an actual order through your ecommerce store for each of the purchase types. 

  1. test order containing a “coffee tool” item
  2. test order containing a “coffee subscription” item

After these test orders are complete, you should be able to see how this data is captured in Klaviyo. Then you can configure your trigger split based on this data.

Hi @sasha 

That’s the best approach if my understanding is correct that you have yet to receive any orders.

Just put it through with a 100% discount as a free order. Check you’ve captured the order OK in Klaviyo then continue with your trigger set-up.


