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I’m due to launch a crowd funding campaign. I want to send daily emails promoting this but was worried i would spam people too much and so was considering a different signup form for the campaign. There will be a page on my website dedicated to the campaign.  I would ask my existing audience to join in but they wouldn't have to if it’s not for them. 

Can i get some advice on people experience or the best way to manage this sort of thing? Maybe a two sign up forms? different list? any ideas welcomed! 

Kindest regards 

Hi @MotherCuppa, welcome to the community here with your first post!

I think the approach you are taking works great.  You can have two separate signups, that go to two separate Lists.  Just note, that if they are going to two different Lists, and if you have a List Triggered Flow (e.g. Welcome Series) in one, you’ll have to duplicate that Flow for the other List as well if you want them to go through the same Welcome Series.

If you don’t want or intend people signing up for the second List to go through the same Flow, then you can create a new List Triggered Flow that might start with confirming that they signed up for the crowdfunding list.  I assume you’ll want to do this since most of the people signing up will be existing email subscribers, they’ve already been through a Welcome Series already.  

After the crowdfunding campaign, you may want to import that list into your Main List - as it might be possible that you will get net new people from your crowdfunding campaign.


Joseph Hsieh // // twitter: @retenion  



Thank you Joseph, this is super helpful and just what i was looking for. 

Kind regards 

