Is it possible to use variables from a data feed in a Campaign subject line or preheader?
We have have a custom web feed from our blog that populates the body of an email template that we use for campaigns, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to insert the blog title into the subject line or preheader.
If it helps, here’s what we’re using to populate the email and I’d like to use the item.title in the SL or PH:
<p>{% with feed=feeds.LawnFawnBlog %} </p>
<h2>{% for item in|slice:"1" %}<span style="font-size:18px;"><a href="{{ }}">{{ item.title }}</a> </span></h2>
<em>By {{ item|lookup:"dc:creator" }} on {{ item.pubDate|cut:":00 +0000" }}</em>
<p>{{ item.description|safe }}</p>
<p>{{ item|lookup:"content:encoded"|safe }} {% endfor %}</p>
<p>{% endwith %}</p>