I’m in the middle of a post-purchase flow. One of the email messages in the flow is supposed to contain an image that links to an instructional video (a YouTube video that’s embedded on the company’s website). The image in the email is based on which product(s) a customer purchases. The company’s shop uses Shopify, but the images I want to display aren’t hosted there.
Is it possible to use an if/else statement to display the image, its alt tag and link? What I’m thinking is that a certain image would be displayed based on the product ID (if productID = Product X’s ID, then display Product X’s image and have it link to Product X’s instructional video). If the customer ordered more than one product, I’d like to have images show for all the products that they purchased (note: there are only four products in total, so four would be the maximum number of products shown at once).
Thanks in advance!