To elaborate: this segment targets people who have bought within five days ago, however the flow can run for 26 days at maximum. Will they stay in the flow if they’ve started down the initial path despite no longer having been a 5 day customer? Or will they be removed from the flow immediately after surpassing five days?
Great question!
The How a Segment-Triggered Flow Works section in the Guide to Creating a Segment-Triggered Flow Help Center article actually addresses this scenario pretty well! Essentially if the person no longer qualifies for the segment and thus removed from the segment, they would actually be removed from the flow as well.
Keep in mind that Klaviyo checks to ensure that each potential recipient is still part of the segment at send time. This means that if a contact is going through the flow but no longer qualifies and is removed, you may still see them as “waiting” in a part of the flow until their scheduled send time; at which point the contact will be skipped prior to the email sending.
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