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Hi Everyone,


Can anyone please help in real to setup the double opt-in email. 

  1. Newsletter list is setup and the double opt-in check box is ticked
  2. Then → Subscribe & Preference center → set the Email → Publish

This email should be auto triggered once the customer clicks the checkbox for newsletter.


But the flow is not working and Email is not getting triggered.


What is the way out for this ?


Please do not share articles, I am tired of those and feeling hopeless.


I have to switch back to Hubspot if the platform is so complicated and no support. In the name of support, I receive only article links.




Hey @suchi_klavier,

Sorry to hear about your frustration with getting things setup.

Taking a step back into your setup, how are users being added to this list? Is it through a Klaviyo built signup form, a Shopify signup form, a third-party signup form, or through some other means?

After subscribing, are customers receiving the double opt-in to confirm their subscription? If they are not, I would recommend checking to make sure the correct list is linked to the source of where these subscribers are coming from. Instead of not receiving the email, is the email in the Spam or Junk folder? If so, what’s the sending address domain you're using? Using a domain of a free email provider such as,, etc. are likely to rouse suspicion from inbox providers and cause your emails to be caught in the spam folder. Don’t forget to check the promotion folder too!

Keep in mind that only subscribers who have confirmed their subscription per the double opt-in email will be added to a list. This means those who do not confirm their subscription or may have missed the double opt-in email would not be added to the designed list. Furthermore, this logic also means that if someone has not confirmed their subscription, they would not activate a flow triggered by someone being added to a list such as a welcome flow. 

Have you also checked the status of your flow? I.E. is it in draft, manual, or live mode? Only flows set live will automatically be sending out emails. Another thing to note, if your flow was previously in manual mode, setting a flow live will not automatically send those emails out to users who’ve previously qualified and are queued up for it as “needs review”. 

By chance, is smart sending enabled? If so, do you have other flows live such as abandoned cart, post purchase, etc? Smart sending is typically enabled by default to prevent users from receiving too many emails in a short period of time. With this setting enabled, users would only receive one email every 16 hours - or however long you have the setting set for. 

These are typically the basic explanation and troubleshooting areas of a subscribers’ journey from subscribing to receiving the Welcome Series email you may want to review in closer detail.


@David To Thanks for the reply. My double opt-in email was going to the Spam folder. 

I am thinking about setting own Domain for CRM sends. Do you have any idea regarding this?

  • We are using Google workspace, Should I create a new email group like ?
  • 2nd alternative is creating dedicated domain in Klavio and set the DNS record in Google.

I am new in this area. Please suggest. All our emails either from Hubspot or Klaviyo started going to SPAM folder.


I am referring this article. 

@David To One more question, How could I see the engagement data (Opens, clicks, Spam, etc.)  for the double opt-in email ?

Hey @suchi_klavier,

Glad to hear those troubleshooting tips helped you figure out the missing link between your subscribers and your flow. 

I believe your emails landing in spam actually stems from using two separate email platforms - Klaviyo and Hubspot. Using two email platforms simultaneously is highly ill advised. This causes your emails to look suspicious since inbox providers wouldn’t be able to differentiate which sender is legitimate and/or which one is a malicious actor spoofing. 

For this reason, it’s imperative to go through a warming period on the new platform after migrating services. This is to rebuild your legitimacy as a sender and for inbox providers to relearn where you’re sending emails from. 

Setting up and using a dedicated sending domain is typically best practice. Especially if your sending domain was previously authenticated. In which case, setting up and using a dedicated sending domain would be required to realign your DNS records on the new platform. 

There could also be other causes that are leading your emails to land in spam, which you may want to consult further with the help of a deliverability specialist. To get started though, I would suggest taking a look at some of the resources we offer below surrounding deliverability best practices and how to warm and strengthen your sending domain/reputation:

The double opt-in email is unique in the sense that it’s sent on your behalf from Klaviyo. Because of this, viewing the engagement data (opens, clicks, etc) for it is not available since it’s not technically sent from your specific Klaviyo account; but rather from the Klaviyo infrastructure itself. 


The double opt-in email is unique in the sense that it’s sent on your behalf from Klaviyo. Because of this, viewing the engagement data (opens, clicks, etc) for it is not available since it’s not technically sent from your specific Klaviyo account; but rather from the Klaviyo infrastructure itself. 

But I guess you do understand why @suchi_klavier is asking for that, right?

It’s an important information to have: If you make 100 leads through Meta but 60 of them doesn’t double opt-in you have to do something about it. The same goes for open rate and other stuff.

I do have a solution for you @suchi_klavier. You could create segments and do the easy math by yourself:

  1. “recieved mail” containing “{something that is unique in you opt-in title}” within {period} AND subscribed to list zero times within {period}.
  2. “recieved mail” containing “{something that is unique in you opt-in title}” within {period} AND subscribed to list at least once within {period}.

the same goes for opens, clicks and maybe marked as SPAM.. 

Maybe @David To you mention that next time ;)

Sorry about that. It’s not possible with “recieved mail”.


I found a workaround:

  1. Create custom property when they click sign-up somewhere (we’ve called it signup_field) letting us know if it was in the footer, lead ad, one of the steps in the checkout flow etc.
  2. Create segment with the following:
    1. properties about someone: signup_field is set
    2. AND Properties about someone: created is between dates (start date) and (end date)

Then you have all properties that wishes to subscribe and can create a flow for analysis or just an analysis report to find the data you want.

more simple:

  1. clone the first segment and add another AND which results in a flow that looks like:
    1. properties about someone: signup_field is set
    2. AND Properties about someone: created is between dates (start date) and (end date)
    3. AND What someone has done (or not done): subscribed to list between dates (same period as above)

hmm.. for this to work you have to make sure that signup_field is sent to Klaviyo even though they didn’t finished the double opt-in. Otherwise, the only thing you will have is channel status Never Subscribed. Again.. so stupid that we can’t get that crucial feature.. 

