Hopefully I can explain this clearly enough.
I am setting up a new Customer Winback Flow, we haven’t sent any Winback emails before. The criteria doesn’t exactly matter but its essentially has ordered once before, but not ordered in the last 30 days, so we want to reach out and ask customers if they want to replenish.
Creating this flow, I was hoping the first Email trigger after the wait period above would include all of those people (as we know there are some). I thought flows might capture people like “Segments” does, and says:
Starting this flow today, there are x people who should be included in this flow and contacted.

Have I misunderstood how Flows work? How do we contact all the people who fulfil the flow criteria by using a flow? (i.e. I’d prefer not to create a Segment and email all these people as it isn’t automated and repeatable).