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Flow data not reflecting the time frame selected

  • 27 September 2022
  • 2 replies

When I look at my flow data for the past X amount of days the skipped email amount showing for the lifetime of the email. For example, if I look at the past 30 days or past 90 the skipped amount stays the same and does not reflect the time period selected. The other metrics adjust according. Is there anyway to fix this? 


Thank you! 



2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +38

Hey @Mckenzie.Rapp, welcome to the community!


Could it be possible that no one was skipped within that 60 day period?  What’s the filter to have them skipped?

Badge +2

There are times where no gets skipped. For example, on this flow no one has been skipped in the last 59 days. However, it is showing the total amount of skips from the creation of the flow rather than the segmented dates. 
