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Hi All, 


We are currently making a dynamic flow for our post purchases emails so that dependant on the product you receive the information in the email will change.


We have got everything set up but now want to restrict the flow so it is only delivered on peoples first order of each product.

The problem I am having is that someone may buy product X once and then product Z next, and the only filter I can come up with would mean on purchase of Z they wouldn't receive the emails. 


Does anyone know a solution for this?




Hi there @Sophswatson,

Welcome to the Community,

Are you looking to set up a flow filter for users that have placed orders for the first time on both products? 

Would it work to have a filter where placed order is greater than 1 for product X AND product Z? Or is there something missing there.


Would love to hear more about this,


Hi Alex, 


Thanks for the reply. We basically need a filter that means you recieve the email on your first purchase of each product (there are 18).

So putting a filter where placed order is greater than 1 per product wont work as if you are not greater than 1 for any of these products you will still receive the email, even if isn’t your first order of that product. Not sure if its even possible to create what we want. 




Hi @Sophswatson,

Okay so what I am hearing is that you are just looking to make a post-purchase flow. I would consider creating conditionals to filter out between products or additional filters per product so that customers who have placed order at least once on one product but not the other could receive different emails. 



