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I have some fully opted-in competition data to import. The data came to me after the competition closed, so the import of the names is delayed from the moment they each actually signed up.

I can, therefore, choose to load them and send a series of campaigns only to them as a segment, or I can have a specific welcome flow ready to trigger for just them on import.

Which is best?

As competition data, they will likely not give me a great open rate - which is the best route from the point of view of protecting my (good) sending status?


I haven't fully grasped what you're into to be honest, but here's my take:

Segment the Competition Data

Send to a very tight segment and check how they respond. Is your email relevant and valuable to them? Distribute the send between many hours. Choose to send 10% of the list every hour. This will help you monitor the engagement and avoid potential spam complaints or deliverability issues.

Use a Welcome Flow

Set up a specific welcome flow for the competition data. This will ensure that they receive a series of relevant and engaging messages tailored to their interests and expectations. A well-crafted welcome flow can help build a relationship with your new subscribers and increase the chances of them engaging with your content in the future.

Monitor Engagement and Adjust

Keep a close eye on the engagement metrics for the competition data segment. Look at open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribe rates. If you notice a significant drop-off in engagement or an increase in unsubscribes, consider adjusting your messaging or frequency. Remember, the goal is to provide value and build a relationship with your subscribers.

Prioritize List Hygiene

Maintaining a clean and engaged email list is crucial for protecting your sender reputation. Consider implementing a re-engagement campaign for subscribers who haven't engaged with your emails in a while. This can help you identify and remove inactive or unengaged subscribers, keeping your list healthy and improving your overall deliverability.By segmenting the competition data, using a targeted welcome flow, monitoring engagement, and prioritizing list hygiene, you can effectively manage the import of the competition data while protecting your sender reputation. Remember, the key is to provide value and build relationships with your subscribers.

Hi @Smudgie , I agree with @stam_marko 


It’s always best to keep comp data in a separate list, with their own welcome flow so you can see how they behave and target the messaging too (so they know why they are receiving emails from you).

Once they start engaging/purchasing etc, they will naturally fall into your engaged segments. 


If you have any further questions, please feel free to get in touch again.



Thanks so much for your answers, but maybe I didn’t ask clearly enough!

My main question was: is there a difference in how campaigns affect sender reputation as against a flow? I can have a manual three-step campaign for this new segment of people (I already said I would keep them separate) or I can put them in a flow; as far as the customer is concerned, there should be virtually no difference in what they receive. I’m just trying to establish if there is a reason to choose one method over the other, especially with regards to the overall health of my sender reputation.

The key point is that they will all be imported together, so the flow will trigger for all of them at the same time, rather than as a slow trickle, as a welcome flow would send if taken from a signup popup.


I hope that makes more sense?



Hi @Smudgie 

Ok, in this instance I can see your concern. I personally would approach it this way:


  1. If there are a lot of email addresses, and you are concerned about the quality you can use an email list verification checker like KickBox. This is a great tool to clean your database before you start sending emails (as its so easy for people to manually add their email wrong!)
  2. Send your emails out as separate campaigns. You can then really keep an eye on the deliverability metrics and ensure you can optimise your list/make any changes etc. Some more info on deliverability metrics here
  3. Again, depending on the size of this list, you can send out your campaign email with ‘gradual send’ over a certain number of hours. 


Sending this list through a flow wouldn’t be bad or wrong, but with your concerns over deliverability, I would take the slower campaign approach. 


Hope this helps a little more for your planning. 

Thanks @Victoria_ap_G that’s exactly the help I was looking for; I appreciate your time very much. :)
