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Form Unique ID when A/B testing


I’m trying to set up a welcome flow where I resend the unique discount coupon code created when they signed up in the popup form.

I am conducting an A/B test on the popup form with two different discount offers. My plan was to use a conditional split in the flow, filtered by the forms' IDs, and then send the correct discount coupon code.

However, when doing an A/B test, the form IDs initial segment are the same: UMDxqa/variations/9812292 vs. UMDxqa/variations/9812291, only the ending numbers change.

I've attempted to use either just the final number '9812292' or the full text 'UMDxqa/variations/9812292' in the conditional split, but it did not give the desired results. Can you help me understand why this is happening and how to solve it?

Thank you




The easiest way to do this would be submitting a hidden profile field on the form itself. When you’re editing the form, click the submit button and on the left hand side you’ll see an existing property that has the form name. You can add your own. See more about that here


Ex. Create a form called welcome discount and use the value of the discount as the value. 

Then you can use a conditional split in the flow to separate them. 

You could also create separate segments. based on that property and have the segment trigger the flow, but triggering from segments can be slow. 


Hope that helps!

Thanks Jessica,

That solved the issue!
