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How do i find the quick start flows?

  • 9 March 2022
  • 1 reply

j’ai un problème des icones sur les interface de tableau de bord  ( les flux) pour que je puisse faire les paramétrage sur mon compte, est ce que ce possible de retrouver les icone originale comme cet photo ?



Hello @helene99 

Thank you so much for asking the Klaviyo Community about the quick start flow icons!

To make sure I translated your question correctly, you want to know how to get back to these icons because they are no longer on your dashboard? If that is correct, once you start working on these flows the quick start icons are no longer available. However you can find the same icons located in your flows library to help you identify the same flows you saw in the quick start flow setup. You can find them by selecting the Flows tab then at the top right select Browse Ideas

I hope this helps you find the flows you are looking for! Thank you so much for being part of the Klaviyo Community!
