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How to Add a Dynamic Email Waiting List for Out-of-Stock Products on Shopify

  • 4 July 2024
  • 3 replies


I wonder how I can add an email field when my product is out of stock on Shopify.

I want this field to say, “Notify me when this product becomes available.”

Then, I want to build a flow that says, “Hey, your {{product_name}} is back in stock!”

In the email, I want to include all the details of the product my customer is waiting for.

Currently, when I'm out of stock, I have this:


But I want a new field above this button where my customers can add their email addresses.

This field should appear on my site whenever a product is out of stock.

Then it’s dynamic, so if I have two products out of stock, Klaviyo needs to know that it’s two different people waiting for two different products to create a dynamic email that refers to each customer’s waiting list.


Thans for your help klaviyo communauty !

3 replies

Badge +2


I wonder how I can add an email field when my product is out of stock on Shopify.

I want this field to say, “Notify me when this product becomes available.”

Then, I want to build a flow that says, “Hey, your {{product_name}} is back in stock!”

In the email, I want to include all the details of the product my customer is waiting for.

Currently, when I'm out of stock, I have this:


But I want a new field above this button where my customers can add their email addresses.

This field should appear on my site whenever a product is out of stock.

Then it’s dynamic, so if I have two products out of stock, Klaviyo needs to know that it’s two different people waiting for two different products to create a dynamic email that refers to each customer’s waiting list.


Thans for your help klaviyo communauty !


I followed this tuto

Which comes from this aricle:

I don't have this file in my theme, I only have "theme.js.liquid", "js-variables.liquid" and "sections.js.liquid".

In these 3 files in my code I can't find a structure equivalent to yours. For example, I can't find : 

"!this.current" or "class variantselects" etc... 

So no deduction, it's getting complicated to know where to add the code in the site's JS.

So the button is displayed but when I click on it nothing happens.

My second problem is that the button displays when my stock is at 0. Perfect. However, when it's at "-30" or "-x" (a negative value) in the case of pre-orders, for example. The button is still not displayed.

I think because I use pre-orders. The product is never "unavailable". You know how I can say to the code "look at the stock, if stock 0 or negative value then display the button".


600 / 600 mots analysés aujourd’hui

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hey @Mathieu Malige 

Sorry for the delayed response while i was out of office.

Can you share exactly what theme you are using on Shopify? Only certain free themes on shopify will support back in stock installation.

Userlevel 7
Badge +59

@Mathieu Malige - after you install the Back in Stock feature in Shopify as @stephen.trumble pointed out, you can then setup the Flow that is triggered when one of your items are restocked.  You can learn more about it here:

Don’t forget to set your Back in Stock settings so that Klaviyo knows how frequently to send notifications and how many items when restocked should trigger the Back in Stock Flow.

Here’s the documentation on that here:

Hope that helps!
