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We are sending regular product updates to a certain list. Receivers open the mail or not. For those who didn’t open the mail I would like te send a reminder mail after some days. For those who opened the mail and click I would like to offer a new deal.


So, how to create a flow, a as a kind op follow up, after sending a campaign mail?

Can someone please help me out.


Hi @Harry,

Thanks for sharing this with us.

I recommend creating a non-opener segment to target users who have received, but not opened your campaign. You can trigger a flow off of this segment (also known as a segment-triggered flow) and add in a time-delay of your choosing to re-send this mail to those users. 

However, in order for this flow to process these users, after setting up the trigger and time delay, you’d have to backpopulate your flow using the second option “schedule for each step relative to when I click the back-populate button”. This will queue up all users in this segment to receive the flow.

Alternatively, after building your segment, instead of using a flow and backpopulating, you can send these users a campaign X amount of days later. Regardless of which option you choose (flow or campaign), you’ll want to clone your original campaign email and save it as a template that will enable you to use the same email template in a new campaign or in a new flow email.

In terms of users who have opened the email, you can clone the non-opener segment and adjust the definition of the clone to “opened at least once” instead of “opened zero times” to turn the clone into an “openers segment”. You can repeat the same process (send them a campaign or flow X amount of days later) using the same email template as the original campaign but alter the content of the email to offer them a deal of your choosing i.e. a coupon.

I hope that’s helpful. 
