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Hey guys, 

I was wondering if anyone knows how I can access/ edit the automatic email response people get after signing up for my newsletters? For example, someone puts their email address to sign up for my newsletters and they automatically get an email saying that they’ve successfully signed up. I need to edit that email, but for some reason-- I can’t find a way to do so. I’ve looked through all of my lists and segments but can’t seem to find this email template at all. 

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!

Hey @theangrytherapist ,
My guess is that it is one of two areas.

  1. Welcome Flow
    Is there a welcome flow set up? Head to the flows section in the menu and you should be able to edit this there. However, if you didn’t set up a flow to begin with, this likely isn’t the email being sent out.
  2. Double Opt-In Emails
    Your list might have a double opt-in, which would send out an email to anyone who subscribes for the list confirming their subscription. If you click into your list, then click on the “Subscribe & Preferences Pages” you will see the email confirmation email template. 

    Hopefully that helps!
