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Hello team,

If my subscribers are still going through Post-Purchase flows, I would like to exclude them from the campaigns. What’s the best way to do it?

I tried creating a segment for those who are still going through the Post-Purchase flows. And then I’ll exclude that segment from the campaign. But I can’t find the correct conditions.

Please note that I have multiple flows with different lengths(in terms of days). And I want to make sure my audience are not in any of those flows before they can get the campaigns. 

What’s the best way to implement this? Thank you,.


Hello @Jep,

Thanks for sharing this with our community.

I recommend following the strategy outlined by @Taylor Tarpley in this post below:

In short, this process involves adding a “Update Profile Property” block at the beginning of your flow(s) to tag the user when they enter, and then a “Remove Profile Property” block at the end of the flow(s) to remove that same tag when they exit. We have a great article with more details on these blocks here

Once you have these blocks set up and turned to live mode, you’ll want to define your segment using “properties about someone > NAME OF PROPERTY”. And then exclude that segment from the campaign send(s). You can repeat the first part of this process (adding the update/remove profile property blocks) for each flow.

Thanks for being a member of our community!
