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How to show the amount saved from discounted items? (Not with coupon code)

Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on refining our "Abandoned cart email" system, and I'm facing a challenge regarding how to display the amount saved from discounted items. I'd like to clarify that this doesn't involve coupon codes.

Here's a snippet of what we have so far in the email template:

{{ item.ProductName }}

Items: {{ item.Quantity|floatformat:0 }}

Total: {{ item.ItemPrice|floatformat:2 }} USD

However, we're encountering an issue where the total amount mentioned in the email doesn't reflect the savings customers make from discounted items.

I'd appreciate any insights or suggestions to what shortcode I should add to the above.


Looking forward to hearing from you.

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hey @Steen Hansen 

Welcome to the community!

Can you share what integration you are using? 


Yes, I’m using DanDomain. 


And everything else works great.
