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Ignore Out of Stock products in Recently Viewed Product Feed?

  • 13 November 2023
  • 3 replies

I’ve setup a RECENTLY_VIEWED_PRODUCTS feed to show products a customer has recently viewed.
I’m planning on using this in a sale campaign as a way to personalise the email.

In preview I can see that when a product that a profile has viewed is out of stock (OOS), it shows in the email with £0.00. A click thru reveals the product is OOS.

Is there any way to ignore individual products that are now OOS?

Hi @BrianExcel,

Have you tried adding an advanced filter when creating the product feed?

You should have an entry: stock level


From there you should be able to solve it :)

great answer Gabriele, thanks.

But it’s not working for me - maybe something to do with storeviews.

We have 5 different storeviews, though our feed is only linked to one of them, the list of products from magento integration is bringing in products from all the storeviews. I think I might need to do separate data feeds for each storeview, then segment campaigns depending on storeviews

Hi @BrianExcel ,

If you are experiencing the problem on all storeviews that are not linked to the feed then this is probably the reason. If not then unfortunately my expertise is limited, it is probably something more technical.
I remain available
