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Is it possible to add attachments to campaign emails?

Hi @EricD!


Unfortunately, it’s not possible. This is also not recommended as an email marketing best practice - sending an attachment with a marketing email can be perceived as spammy or phishing behavior. 


If there’s a downloadable PDF like a lead magnet, or other digital asset you’re wanting to deliver to your subscribers, here’s what I recommend you do instead. Send them an email that clearly states what you’re delivering - best case scenario, this email is following up on a promise made as an optin offer on your signup form, or delivering a digital product they purchased. 


Then in that email, give them a link to a cloud-hosted version of the document, and they can download it directly from there. If your store is hosted on Shopify or WordPress, this is something you can easily upload to your content library and provide a public link for. An alternative solution is uploading the digital asset to Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, etc. 


Happy to answer any follow-up questions you may have!





Yes, it is a digital asset that they specifically signed up for. So its definitely not spam. I’m looking to be able to have them click the link to start the download (“Click here to download the file” type thing). In my testing, having them access the asset in Google Drive… it tries to OPEN the file, which isnt actually  possible but will leave some confused.

I appreciate your response. I am definitely a Klaviyo newbie.


Ah, so your answer actually gave me the answer!  I simply uploaded the file to my website and then linked to that file!  Its so obvious the fact that I didn’t think of it myself makes me laugh!

Thanks for your guidance!



Eric D

You’re quite welcome @EricD! I’m glad I was able to help you get unstuck.



