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Issue with Email Addresses Not Registering in Back-in-Stock Notification Flow

  • 10 July 2024
  • 9 replies


I have set up back-in-stock notifications on my Shopify site using Klaviyo, but I am encountering an issue.

  1. When an email address is registered through the email sign-up modal on the Shopify site, it gets added to the "All profiles" list in Klaviyo.
  2. However, it does not get registered into the Flow for back-in-stock notifications.

Could you please help me investigate and resolve the cause of this issue?

Thank you.

Hi @kurata 

Thank you for your question in the Klaviyo Community. 

Can you please check the following for me to see if the email address is there?

Navigate to Flows>Click on Back In Stock Flow>Click on the ‘Back In Stock Delay’ icon>then on the right hand side click on the ‘View Back In Stock Reports’>then click the arrow by the Export (top right) > then select ‘Queued Back In Stock Subscribers’


The Customer should be here if they have selected to subscribe to receiving Back In Stock Notifications for a product that is not yet in stock.


Thank you for your answer.
Is this the correct screen?

I registered with a number of email addresses, but only one was included.
What should I do next?

Thank you very much for your answer.


@Kylie W 

sorry.I forgot to add a mention.I would be happy to receive an answer regarding the above.Thank you.

Hi @kurata 

Yes that is the correct screen, but if you now select on the down arrow by the Export (top right) and you will see a report called ‘Currently Queued Subscribers CSV’ click on this and this is the report to check 😊

@Kylie W 

thank you.When you press ‘Currently Queued Subscribers CSV’, you will be redirected to the image screen.I would be happy if you could tell me the next step.Also, is there any point in downloading to CSV?Thank you.


Hi @kurata 

Apologises, I have steered you down a long winded path!

Here is a much shorter path to take and also a way to double check that customers are subscribed to Back In Stock.

View list of those waiting to be notified:

  1. Navigate to the Back in Stock Flow
  2. Click on the ‘Back in stock delay’ time delay
  3. On the right hand side, click on ‘View Details’ in the Performance section

    This will give you a full list of all customers who have subscribed to be notified when something is back in stock.

If you can not find the profile you are expecting, a second way to ensure the customer has in fact signed up to be notified, is to view the customers profile in Klaviyo. You should see an event tracked on their profile: Subscribed to Back in Stock. 


I hope this is helpful!
Again, sorry I took you down a longer path initially.


Hi @Kylie W 

Thank you for your reply.

Your email address was registered for Waiting.


Please allow me to ask the following three questions

・Is the next step to automatically send a notification to the registered email address when I change the inventory count to 1?

 I have already tried this but nothing has changed.

・How can I go to Moved to next step?

・I see my email address in the Waiting section, but nothing is shown in the Performance section of the Flow screen. Why is this?


Please take a moment to check with us.


@Kylie W 

Hello.What do you think about the above?I apologize for the inconvenience, but I would appreciate it if you could confirm.Thank you.

HI @kurata 

Sorry for the delay. 

As you have the setting of stock to be at 1 to trigger the email, my expectation is that when your stock is 1 or higher on the product you registered out of stock for the email would have sent. 

May I ask how long you waited for the email to send?

The customers should progress through the flow automatically without any intervention.



