I have a sunset flow asking subscribers if they still want to be on our list. If so, they click a button that takes them to a specific URL on our site. When they click that link, they are added to a segment that triggers another flow that sends them a coupon. Today I noticed something odd, 2 subscribers clicked the link more than 2 months ago (one in January, one in February), but JUST got added to the segment that triggers the coupon this morning. Also, even though they are now part of the segment, they were not sent an email. (I don’t have any flow filters or profile filters on the coupon flow.) See screenshots below. The coupon flow *seemed* to be working fine before and after they clicked. So I have 2 questions:
1 – Why were they not added to the segment until today?
2 – Why were they not sent an email?
Segment that triggers the coupon to be sent
Profile received and clicked link in January
Profile added to trigger segment April 24
Profile qualifies for flow trigger segment on April 24
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Hey @JessFosnough
Not sure if I missed it, but can you share the segment conditions?
Did the people ever unsubscribe during that timeframe? Could be that they unsubscribed then re-subscribed recently? @JessFosnough
Hi @stephen.trumble,
The segment only has 1 condition, with a filter for the URL:
Thanks for the idea - I did check both profiles before posting the question, and neither of them had unsubscribed, according to the activity feed. I wish it were that simple, haha!
Ok, I have another wrench to throw into this. Since this is a sunset flow, I have a segment of people who have received/dropped/bounced the initial email, but did not click on the link to stay active. In the email, we state that we won’t send them more emails unless they click the button. So for campaigns, I exclude this segment; I don’t suppress them right away to give them time to respond to the email. Since the two subscribers in question DID click the link, they are not on this segment. Here are the conditions for the exclusion segment:
Conditions for exclusion
However, they still show up on the segment that triggers the initial sunset email. This segment has a condition: opened and clicked zero emails in the past 180 days. Here are the conditions for this segment, I’m mostly looking at the first 2 conditions, the lower ones would have only disqualified them from being added to the segment:
Conditions for Sunset flow trigger
They obviously have clicked/opened, since they no longer exist on the exclusion segment – so why are they still in the flow trigger? It’s like the exclusion segment recognized their action(s), but the flow trigger did not.
Just curious if you have any further thoughts. Thank you!