Hi there
I know what I want to achieve but I’m tying myself in knots trying to work out a way to do it so that it is a seamless flow for the user. Please help!
I’m trying to set up a subscription form and flow for individuals who have expressed an interest in attending an event which occurs on the last Wednesday of every month.
At the point of signing up what will the subscriber sign up to? Will it be the overarching event - The London Pomegranate Social or the individual dates?
This is how I see it running at a top level. It’s the intricacies of the sign up process and custom properties that I’m really struggling with (I think). That said, even this top level flow could be wrong.
- The subscriber signs up, from an email, website or is manually added by me
- They are automatically linked to the Custom Property ‘The London Pomegranate Social’.
- Once they are linked to the ‘The London Pomegranate Social’ Custom Property do I then manually add the value in either text or date format? Can this be done automatically?
- Subscriber receives a welcome email. In that welcome email should I include date options for them to subscribe to? Just tick boxes to link them to a specific event and make sure they receive all the information per event?
- Four weeks before the event the subscriber receives a Save the Date email with registration details and ‘add this to your calendar’ option.
- Those who register exit this flow.
- Two weeks before the event, the subscriber receives a more detailed email with registration details
- Those who register exit this flow. Enter Flow 2.
- One week before the event, the subscriber receives a reminder “did you forget to register”. Include registration details
- Those who register exit this flow. Enter Flow 2.
- Three days before “last call” email. Include registration details
- Those who register exit this flow. Enter Flow 2.
How should the sign up form, custom properties and values be set?
Possible options
Custom property = The London Pomegranate Social
Value in text format = The London Pomegranate Social June 2022
The London Pomegranate Social July 2022
The London Pomegranate Social August 2022
Custom property = The London Pomegranate Social
Value in date format = 29/06/22
Custom Property = The London Pomegranate Social June 2022
Value in date format = 29/06/22
Custom Property = The London Pomegranate Social July 2022
Value in date format = 27/07/22
Custom Property = The London Pomegranate Social August 2022
Value in date format = 31/08/22
Something else and if it is something else, please help as I’m out of ideas!
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks