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I have Manual email sign ups from a Market and other venues.  How can I get them to receive my Welcome Flow?   New Subscribers doesn’t have a way to manually enter a name as far as I can tell.

Hey @Hey Karen 

Welcome to the Klaviyo Community! Happy to help you manually upload subscribers to an existing list

The first thing you will need to do is create a CSV file with all of your Market and other venue subscribers in it. Key thing to remember is that the CSV file must be formatted correctly and the first column must be email as this is how we identify the individual profiles. 

Next you will 

  1. Navigate to the list that you want to add subscribers to
  2. Click the Manage List dropdown in the upper right-hand corner 
  3. Select Import Contacts

You can then use the CSV file you created to upload those contacts to a list and use that list to send your marketing to!

Hope this helps! Thanks for being part of the Klaviyo Community!

Thank you.  This is a Segment and doesn’t have a Import CSV option.  Should I change this segment to a list?

Edited to add:  I didn’t create this Segment.  It is connected to my website fly out.

hey @Hey Karen 

It is a best practice to have 1 main list and segment off of that main list. As long as each contact has the profile property that is adding them to the segment, uploading them to your main list (ie your Newsletter list) will still add them into the segment you are trying to use. 

Thank you.  But I don’t see how I can manually add to a segment?  How do I get an in-person email sign-up into my Welcome Flow which is only connected to my New Subscriber segment.  I can’t import CSV as this isn’t an option for this segment.

Hey @Hey Karen 

Manually adding to a segment is not possible unless their profile being added has a customer property that adds them to the segment, as segments are dynamic groups that are designed to constantly update with current information. So usually your welcome flow is triggered by the list your signup form is linked to so they get your content as soon as they subscribe or complete their double opt-in. I have seen people create a segment based on the signup form’s list and if they have opted in. However, your main subscribers list contains the same information. If your signup form is set to double opt in, they won’t show consent until they complete the second step. Your flow based on this list will only send to those who have consented. If this is the case, I would suggest cloning your welcome flow and change the trigger to your “Newsletter” list, so as you manually upload new contacts to this list, they will receive the same content as your online customers who signed up through your signup form.

Thank you.

OH!  Ok I think I understand…  I could clone my welcome series, manually add names to my Newsletter (which is a list rather than a segment).  And any names in Newsletter who have already received the Welcome Series will not receive this cloned Welcome Series?  I hope!

Am I understanding this correctly?

Hey @Hey Karen 

That is correct, but you must make the flow live before adding your new customers to the list. The action of adding them will trigger the flow. I would also suggest that when you set the new flow live, to turn the original flow to manual, so no one new gets sent this flow but you will have the opportunity to send to your customers who were already in the flow. 

Thanks so much for your help.

I cloned the welcome series and the ONE person I had on Newsletter was a friend so I asked her to let me know if she got a second Welcome email and she did not.

I also noticed that when adding someone manually to my Newsletter list they were automatically added to the New Subscriber segment.  They did not get two welcome emails.  Should I go ahead and delete that cloned welcome email?  They would probably get the original welcome flow since they are added to new subscribers?

Hey @Hey Karen 

Since they are already being added to the original flow your CSV file must have had the profile properties we were talking about before. That’s great and makes everything a lot easier! You can absolutely remove the cloned flow since your customers are going through the original!

Hey all, helpful thread but not sure I totally follow the resolution. I have the same issue as Hey Karen, I want to periodically add contacts to our newsletter list who have opted in but from offline sources or special promos not connected to our website. We have a standard Welcome Series flow that connects to a Newsletter list, with the trigger “When someone subscribes to Newsletter.” If I manually import contacts to our Newsletter list, will they automatically go into this flow, or do I have to set up something separate? 

Also, related but separate question - is there a way to edit the trigger event in a flow? I’d like to begin creating customized welcome flows tied to particular promos, and ideally I’d like to clone our standard Welcome Series flow and then customize from there - but I don’t see any way to edit the trigger?

Thanks in advance for any help! -Dean
