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What am I doing wrong here?

I emend the code into the editor of a Shopify page, how can I make my sign up form appear here instead of the code?


I realised i needed the javascript code but it’s still not working see here…



I spoke with the theme provider and asked them for assistance, they pointed out that the code needs to be applied to the theme settings but advised to speak with Klaviyo about where it needs to go.

I’ve tried looking at guides but I don’t know exactly where in the theme settings I need to put it so that it appears on this page?


Hello @lucinilondon  Click on the code editor and paste the code there (see the red highlighted icon)




Hi Maxbuzz, thanks for your reply, however if you look at the screenshots above you can see this is exactly what I have done, however the form is not formatting, instead the line of code is showing in the page. Please see my screenshots above.



Hello @lucinilondon I can see the difference in code.


Try copy pasting the code and the code editor view and it will work.

Hi Maxbuzz,

I followed your instruction but now the page is completely blank…


To get the javascript code I click on ‘Add Forms To Website’ button here but the form I want to apply is the one set to ‘full page’ should this be set differently and am I doing this correctly to get the right code?


