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Hi, ive made a sign up from pop up email. And im sure i have put the right triggers and made sure to change it to the pop up from the news letter. And whenever someone subscribes they dont receive the discount code email nor the confirmation. Its been like this for a month. If someone can please help me. 

It’s a little hard to diagnose problems like this without being able to actually verify the form (popup) settings and flow triggers. Would you be willing to share screenshots of those?

And if not, some of the more obvious questions:

  • Did you associate a list with the popup in the settings?
  • Did you make the trigger for the flow someone joining that list?
  • Did you double-check and make sure all those settings match correctly?
  • Do you have double opt-in turned on?






is this more helpful?

Hi @Bribri16222,

Thank you for sharing this information with the community. And thank you @DavidSandel for providing those troubleshooting steps.

@Bribri16222, if your list is double opt-in, can you please check your spam/junk and promotions folder to see if the confirmation email is in there? If so, I encourage you to confirm your subscription and then check the flow again for your profile. When you check the flow, you’ll want to click on the initial conditional split and then look on the left-hand side to see if a profile has entered either the “yes” or “no” path of the split.

If the confirmation email was in the spam folder, you can set the list to single opt-in and follow these guidelines to avoid the spam folder in the future. I am also linking a discussion relating to email deliverability and the promotions tab in Gmail for your convenience here.

Thanks and have a wonderful week.


Hi, i just checked both emails and not one got sent to the spam/junk and promotion folder. I have no clue why it’s doing this.


Based on those screenshots, it does look like you have it set up correctly. I still couldn’t see if you have double opt-in turned on though.

Lastly, have you tested this in a private window with a brand new email address that is not currently active in your account?

Im going to check if i have the double opt-in turned on. And then i will try that last step. Thank you.


It still does not work. And i changed it to single opt-in with a new email.

 Hi @Bribri16222,

To close the loop on this, I noticed you are sending using a @yahoo domain and as a result are failing Yahoo’s DMARC policy. This is the reason why your double opt-in emails are not being delivered. 

Sending mass email from a personal address can cause inbox providers like Gmail, Outlook, etc. to flag your messages as spam, as this is considered to be suspicious activity. 

Before you start sending to your customers, make sure that you have an email address that includes your domain name. For example, you’ll want your sender email address to look like This indicates to inbox providers that you are a legitimate sender with a legitimate business.

To edit the default sender email setting for your business, click on the account dropdown in the top right and select Account. Then, navigate to Contact Information > Organization and edit the default sender email address. Click Update Information to save your changes.


After changing your default sender email address, any email you create after will reflect this. However, pre-existing flows do not automatically update; rather, you will need to manually update each flow email. Prioritize high-engagement flows such as your welcome series, browse abandonment, and abandoned cart flows so you can set them live quickly. See the section here for more details.

Thanks and have a great day

i will try this. Thank you.


It worked! Thank You so much!

 Hi @Bribri16222,

To close the loop on this, I noticed you are sending using a @yahoo domain and as a result are failing Yahoo’s DMARC policy.

Nice catch. Where did you see that in the screenshots? I’ve looked 3 times and am apparently blind. 😆🙈

Hi @DavidSandel,

I was able to access the account using staff permissions so you didn’t miss anything. The perks of working at Klaviyo 😉.



Well now this makes sense. 😋

Hey @DavidSandel

Thanks so much for your contributions and efforts to help @Bribri16222 here! Really appreciate your detective work :spy_tone2: - it can definitely be a little tricky when we aren’t able to see everything, but your troubleshooting steps and questions will be infinitely helpful to others who might experience something similar in the future. 

Cheers to you, 
