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I hope you guys can help me with this. I just used HTML to create my email. All looks good when I preview it within Klaviyo, but when I send a test email, the footer is out of place. Does anyone know how I can fix it?


@Sid_tech Hey there!

It would be great to see the lines of code you’ve used for your footer so we can investigate further.

Without looking, though, a few things that are known to cause problems with this:

  • The lack of reset attributes in your <table> tags make your tables styles subject to clients default styles. Add border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" role="presentation" for more consistent rendering.
  • width and height on the <img> must be defined without units or Outlook will ignore it. So make that e.g. width="150" height="65" (without the usual “px”).
  • Inline !important declarations are not supported by Outlook

Try one or more of these fixes and see if it solves the problem. Otherwise, let us see your footer HTML and we may be able to pinpoint exactly what’s up.

Happy to chat further!
