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I am sending out my first campaign. I need some suggestion on which segment to send to.  Since I previously used mailchimp, and that’s why most of the audience haven’t received any email from klaviyo. I want to know if it’s ok to send to this main segment?



Hey @Rara,

As a rule of thumb, as mentioned in the Guide to Warming Your Sending Infrastructure Help Center article I previously provided:

Be conservative in your sending during this time and strive for as high of engagement as possible. For subsequent sends, and as long as you're getting open rates above 20%, you can create a similar segment and relax the engagement criteria to 60 or 90 days. Continue with this strategy for a couple of weeks, and then further relax your engagement criteria to 120 or 180 days.


Overall, instead of basing your next steps in terms of how many emails you should be sending to over a set period of time, it’s best recommended to base your judgements on your overall email performances off of your own data. A colleague of mine, @wei.he, also has some great suggestions and guidance on warming your domain that would not only apply to dedicated sending domains, but to all warming practices:

For a more robust, account specific guidance, I would suggest working with an email marketing specialist. If you’re unfamiliar with one, I would recommend reaching out to one of our many wonderful Klaviyo Partners, many of which are also Community members as well such as @Bobi N. Not only are they a Partner, but they’re also a Community Champion whose released a Community post that touches upon the subject of what they’ve learned from migrating from different ESPs to Klaviyo: 


Hello @Rara,

Welcome to the Klaviyo Community!

Did you recently migrate to Klaviyo from MailChimp? If so, then instead of sending to this segment you’ve highlight, I would suggest being even more specific in defining who your engaged audiences are. Essentially, with any ESP migration you’ll want to go through a process of warming your domain on this new infrastructure, in this case, Klaviyo. 

If you haven’t already, I would suggest taking a look at the Guide to Migrating from Mailchimp Help Center article we offer, especially the section under Send Your First Campaign with Klaviyo. You’ll also find an example segment we suggest using to identify your highly engaged which also incorporates data being shared from MailChimp. I’ve included a screenshot of the segment below for your connivence as well:

I hope this helps!


Hi David,

Thanks for the comment. It does help me a lot.

I did what you suggested and now the segment is down to 2.5K people, which is a great reduce.

I want to know how can I procceed from that, what metrics should I slowly increase to what? and what are the suggested time? For example after how many emails, should I increase what metrics to be able to reach to more of my previous audience base?

Thank you

Also I have changed the mailchimp open and click to 180 days, because we haven’t sent out any campaign this year, so I thought I might expand that a little bit to cover more potential audience, is that ok? @David To 

