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I embedded a single opt-in Newsletter form on the footer of my website and I created a Welcome Series of 3 emails, the 1st email having no time delay; I want it to be sent immediately.

I tested the opt-in form by putting my email and hitting the subscribe button.  My email address shows up in the Newsletter list.  All good!

However, I did not receive the 1st email.  What could be wrong?

Thanks in advance for your assistance!



To be sure what is happening probably it would be best if you post a screenshot of how your flow is set up..


possible problems..

  • You have some filters that filtered you out of receiving emails
  • Sometimes even there is no time delay Klaviyo need some time (up to 15 mins to send the email and if it takes longer you should contact support to look into it)
  • Or what I think possibly happened is.. you were already in the list from before. So if you were already in the newsletter list before this sign up you won’t be able to receive emails because the trigger is when you enter the list and if you are already in it you are not activating the trigger.
  • Maybe there was some other reason your email was skipped and you can check this by clicking on the first email in the flow than on the left side click on view all analytics, than choose recipient activity and the new page that opens will have skipped option.. if you click there you will see different options on why people are skipped and by choosing any of the available skip options you will see all emails that were skipped for that reason..

 HI Bob,

Thanks for your response.
Below you’ll see a screenshot of my Welcome Series flow, with the analytics.

As you can see, there’s not time delay between the sign-up and the 1st email.  Also, after 2 days I still haven’t received the Welcome email.

My Klaviyo account is new and there are only a dozens email addresses.

Does Klaviyo remember an email even if I delete it from the Klaviyo list and sign-up again on the subscription form on my site?


Thanks for your assistance!

HI Bobi,


I just realised that I had misspelled your name in my previous response, my apologies.

Also, I forgot to attach the image showing the analytics page of the the 1st email in my Welcome Series.  As you can see, no email has been sent.

Thank you for your assistance!



Hi @itdawnsonthegreen 

Don’t worry abut the name ;)

About what may happened here again i can’t confirm without being able to check myself but as I said before probably some of those things happened. 

About your question if you delete yourself and subscribe again I’m not 100% sure but that may be the problem.. But you can always try with another email I guess you have more than 1?

So try subscribing with new email that you haven’t been subscribed at all before on your store.. and than wait and see.. first what needs to happen is in Klaviyo In Profiles tab on the left Menu after some time you should see that email subscribed.. (sometimes it takes up to 10 mins to see it there)

If you still don’t receive email that you should received..

Go back in Profiles find your email and click on it.. you will see its klaviyo profile. On the right side somewhere in the middle you should see all the lists and segments that this profile is added to

If you are not added to any list than you need to fix your subscription form..  but if you are subscribed to newsletter list than..

and on the top right you will see option Messages.. (here you can see ever email connected to that profile)

When you open this tab you will see 3 options, Scheduled Sent and Skipped and there you should be able to see what happened.. and if it was skipped why it was skipped


Hi Bobi,

Thanks for your response.

Attached is the message page for the email that I used to subscribe to the Newsletter through the website footer.

It says “sent”, but there are no emails.  Should it show here what email was sent?


Thanks for your assistance.




what about the other step? is this account added to the appropriate (Newsletter) list?

HI Bobi,


Yes, this email is in the Newsletter list



To be honest at this point from what you shared I don’t see any problem.

As I said before I would suggest trying subscribing with new email and see if works for that new email (but must be functional email).. and if it still doesn’t work try contacting support in live chat and asking them about this, since from here without directly looking into your account I’m not sure I can help much :(

Hi Bobi,

I did as you suggested, I subscribed with a new (functional) email - same problem.  I’ll contact support.

Thank you so much for your time.  I really appreciate it!  

