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Price drop flow - no price drop activity over specified period of time

  • 18 February 2022
  • 3 replies

Hi there,

I'm building the price drop flow from your library but it doesn't pull through any of our price drop data from Shopify. When looking at the price drop report, and even setting the date range to 'all time', I get the message:

There was no price drop activity over specified period of time.

Can anyone tell me what the issue is here? We definitely should have products appear in the report.

Thank you,


3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +38

Hi Renate, @Sergobaba had this exact question a couple months ago.  It looks like he solved it, but didn’t give us details yet :) 


@Sergobaba what was your solution?

Badge +3

@Sergobaba - any intel on your solution here? We would be so grateful! :) 

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

Hey @renatebrulleman,


Here’s the same question asked and it’s solved .


I hope these help. Let me know
