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Hello ! 


I have a problem with my flow and it is that, almost all of my emails are skipped and when I click on “view all analytics” it is said “invalid from email”.


So I don’t really understand what it is and tried to do some research but couldn’t find anything.

Is it possible to have a clear explanation of the issue ? 

Thank you for you time !

Hello @Agence migue,

Welcome to the Klaviyo Community!

If you haven’t already had a chance to, I would suggest taking a look at our Understanding the skipped reason for a flow message Help Center article.

As mentioned in it:

Invalid From Email
Skipped because the sender email address (i.e., your from address) is not a valid address

So, if you are seeing this skip reason in your emails, I would suggest double checking to make sure you’re sending address/from address is a valid one. In my experience, one of the most common reasons for this is the inclusion of a leading or trailing space when setting up your default sending/from address. 

I hope this helps!

