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Hi, I’m a complete newbie with Klaviyo and am hoping for suggestions.

We sell items to pregnant people and new parents. I’d like to show customers a “you may also like” dynamic product block that only includes products that are relevant for the stage they are at (pregnant, have a newborn 0-3 months, have a baby between 3 months to 1 year old, have a toddler, etc). For example if they have already had their baby they should not see childbirth prep classes. We have set up a  “Birth Date” custom profile attribute where we collect a date that is either their due date or the baby’s birth date.

I was thinking I would use a combination of display logic and product feeds that would include only relevant collections to make sure they only see relevant items but I can not figure out the logic that would work for it. Any ideas? 


To note we do not have a birth date for everyone so we will also need a block option that is more general and apply to almost everyone. 



I have an idea, but I won’t get around to testing it before tomorrow (it’s a public holiday in the UK today). I’ll circle back to your thread once I’ve had a chance to check it out.




I have an idea, but I won’t get around to testing it before tomorrow (it’s a public holiday in the UK today). I’ll circle back to your thread once I’ve had a chance to check it out.



Thank you! 

Hi @NRBW - thanks for posting in the Klaviyo community!

I think you can easily achieve this by creating product feeds by age group (as mentioned above). You can create collections in your store based on clothing size or age by use and then in Klaviyo create product feeds based on those collections. This Klaviyo article explains how to create a product feed:

You could also achieve this by using conditional splits in your flows based on the collection or previous purchase behaviors. Hope this helps!




Thanks for your patience while I investigated this. I think the following solution will work for your use case, but please test it.

You are capturing the birthdate on your form submission. You need a method for assigning that date to an age group and then use that value to personalise for relevant messaging/products in your emails with display logic. 

I have assumed the following age groups that you can extend based on your requirements: pregnant (future birthdate); newborn (0 to 3 months); baby (3 to 12 months); toddler (12 months+)

To segment the age group values, you create 5 segments (one for each age group + one for no birthdate set):

  1. pregnant. Definition: Properties about someone birthdate is in the next 270 days
  2. newborn. Definition: Properties about someone birthdate is in the last 90 days
  3. baby. Definition: Properties about someone birthdate is at least 91 days AND Properties about someone birthdate is in the last 364 days 
  4. toddler. Definition: Properties about someone birthdate is at least 365 days ago
  5. no_birthdate. Definition: Properties about someone birthdate is not set

Those segments will populate based on birthdate and are exclusive so, for example, if a contact's child is initially in the newborn segment (0 to 3 months), they will move out of that segment when they reach 3 months and 1-day and into the baby segment (3 months to 1 year)

With those segments in place, you can send campaigns to those segments and tailor your messaging/products to each age group.

If you want to show/hide content based on age group, you'll need to create 4 new flows (one for each age group) triggered when someone joins those segments. I've shown an example of one of those below. It basically sets a custom property age_group to the correct value when a contact enters one of your age group segments that you can use for display logic. 

You can then use this value to show/hide blocks with either static products and/or dynamic products from a feed. For example, to show a block to those in the pregnant segment use person|lookup:'age_group'== 'pregnant' in the show/hide logic


  • segment-triggered flows may have a short delay—usually not long but up to 1 hour for high volumes of contacts entering - so you may need to account for that in any list-triggered flows, which are immediate if you are relying on the age group values to show/hide content.
  • A contact will only enter each segment-triggered flow once. That is worth knowing as if they have another baby and update the birthdate for that child, they won’t enter the flow again if they’ve already been in it.

Does that help and make sense? Let me know how you get on.



Example segment triggered flow for the pregnant group


Thanks @bluesnapper Using the flow to add folks to the age group is what I think I was missing. Testing it now. 

No problem @NRBW 

Let me know how you get on.



Hi! It sounds like you're on the right track with using display logic and product feeds in Klaviyo. To tailor product recommendations based on the "Birth Date" attribute, you could set up different segments for each customer group (pregnant, 0-3 months, etc.). Use conditional logic to display products: if the due date is upcoming, show pregnancy-related items; if the birth date is within the last three months, show items for newborns, and so on.

For customers without a birth date, you could create a general product feed that includes items applicable to all stages or those most popular across groups.

Implementing this might involve setting up multiple dynamic blocks in your emails or on your site, each with its own set of conditions based on the customer data you have. If you're unsure about the specific logic or technical setup, Klaviyo's support or community forums could be a great resource to get detailed information.
