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Replenishment campaign: template does not load dynamic content

  • 13 December 2023
  • 4 replies



I need help fixing an issue I tried to solve with some " Klaviyo prodigy" from Fiverr, but nobody can fix it, it seems?
I sell coffee, and I want that, for instance, after 8 days, you'll get a reminder if you have bought a 500g pouch. The trigger works, but the dynamic content is displayed wrong; not at all! The email does not show the image of the product the user ordered. The CTA isn't pictured but turns into a link (I can live with that) to link the user to the pre-loaded cart.

Can somebody have a look at that?

None of the chatbot and academy pages helped me solve it. I tried everything, and it is not working!!! I already missed the Christmas sales, as the replenishment flow is the backbone of my shop, and I need that flow up and running ASAP!!!


4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +59

Hi @flow23, welcome to the community.

To better help you, can you share a screenshot or copy/paste the values you are using for the the dynamic product fieldst? What platform are you on? What are you using as your event trigger? 



Badge +1

ok, here are the screenshots




For test purposes I have set 1h waiting time after the order. Regular its 8 days, reminder 2 days later (10th day)
When testing I pay the product in full, so the order process goes through
like a real customer

Badge +1

Here how the trigger works


Badge +1

@retention Here is the template




What is not displayed (no matter if mobile or desktop client)

  • image of the product user shall replenish
  • Pre-order CTA (transforms into a link)
  • no description what the order is about (amount, name, price)

What worked is that the cart hast the right product pre-loaded.

What am I doing wrong?

Entirely thankful for your responses

