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Is it possible to send custom welcome flows based on the page they signed up on? Like similar to the feature when customers that are already signed up and visit a page get an email with that specific product?


What I’m looking to build is: Customer visits Product A, he gets a popup and signs up which triggers my welcome flow. 

In my welcome flow I want a dynamic product placement where every customer gets the product shown on which they signed up on.

Hope that makes sense.

Hi @spanier8654, welcome to the community,

It’s definitely possible, but not without a bit of development effort.  In other words, you can take action after a user submits a sign up form, but you would have to write the custom code to “add the product” or any other actions you would want to do to make that happen. 

This is using the Klaviyo’s Javascript event listener for Signup Forms so that as soon as someone submits a Form, you can write code to handle that event to call other functions (like add the Product to their Profile or fire a Custom Event.).   Here’s the technical documentation:

I answered a very similar question on this here that might be helpful too:

Hope that helps!

@retention is it also a possibility that a Browse Abandonment flow could accomplish a similar intent to what @spanier8654 is trying to do, without the custom coding?

Hey @spanier8654,

Looks like @retention and @ebusiness pros got the bases covered!

I would also add, two addition options would be:

  • Using the custom catalog lookup function to a custom profile property that’s marked
  • Creating a product feed for the most recently viewed products

Both options are really just extensions of what Joe (@retention) and Gabrielle (@ebusiness pros) suggested. 

You can read up on both of these options from our How to display recently viewed items in an email and Catalog lookup tag reference Help Center articles

I hope this helps!


All these great minds at work!

@spanier8654 I'm adding yet another option and that is if you don't have to many products you could create separate popups and have a custom property be added to the signup form. You can then use this in the welcome flow.

Something like this: 

Hope this helps, 


Omar Lovert // Polaris Growth // Klaviyo Master Platinum Partner

We help with e-commerce growth through CRO, Klaviyo and CVO
