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Setup a new flow and used my private email to test but didn't receive any email?

  • 1 June 2024
  • 1 reply

as the title, I setup a flow that sends discount code to abandoned checkout on Klaviyo. 

I tried using my private email to add items to the cart, clicked on checkout, filled all my information including my email in and turned off the website. After the 4 hours, I didn’t receive any email according to the flow. Am I doing anything wrong?  


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +41

Welcome to the community @Oriusu 

From what you’ve shared, the flow looks OK. However, things to check if you haven’t already.

In your test email profile:

  • do you see a checkout started event? If not, is the filter you have on the trigger preventing you from entering? You can check that by previewing the trigger and searching for your test email.
  • Are you seeing checkout-started events for other profiles in ?
  • Is the checkout email showing as ‘received’? If yes, did you check your spam folder?
  • Is your test profile ‘suppressed’ or ‘unsubscribed’? If either of those, Klaviyo won’t send the email.

Hope that helps

