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How do I make sub-bullets within a bulleted list in Klaviyo? Example below. Klaviyo does not respond to me tabbing.

This is what I want
This is the same text in Klaviyo that won’t respond to tabbing to get the sub-bullets


Hi @kfbrown2022 - welcome to the community!

So I assume you’re using the “Classic Editor.”  Just for your reference, the New Editor allows you to “Sub-Bullet” with a Tab.  See here:

If you can’t switch to the New Editor yet, you can create sub-bullets (Nested HTML Lists) by editing the underlying HTML code.  Click on the “Source” icon, and then paste this code:

<li>Black tea</li>
<li>Green tea</li>

You can experiment with this here:

Then, you can copy the code that starts with <ul> and ends in </ul> and into the Source of your Text Block.



