Hello! We just launched a sunset flow that asks customers if they still want to be on our list; it is sent to profiles who have been on the list for 180 days or more, but haven’t opened or clicked an email in the last 180 days. The email promises a coupon if they click the “Keep Me On The List” button. If they click the button, they are added to a segment, which triggers the coupon. So far, this process is working fine.
The sunset flow adds a profile property of Unengaged = Yes (this is a text field, not a Boolean) to any subscriber who has not opened or clicked the button within 10 days of receiving it. My plan was to suppress anyone with the Unengaged profile property. However, I'm not sure of the best way to make sure profiles are un-suppressed if they click the “Keep Me On The List” button AFTER the 10 days has passed.
My initial thought was to create a conditional split on the flow that triggers the coupon, so that if their profile has Unengaged = Yes, it is updated to Unengaged = ReSub. Then, I could un-suppress profiles where Unengaged = ReSub. But, they wouldn’t receive the coupon, unless I add a time delay of a day or more, to give me enough time to update their profile. This isn’t my favorite option, because I like the idea of them getting the coupon immediately.
Any ideas of a different/better way to make sure profiles are un-suppressed in a timely manner?