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Update Profile Property with date or dynamic variables

  • 21 September 2022
  • 2 replies


Please tell me there is a way to:

  • Add current date to a property (e.g. the last date someone received a special offer, so as to not overload people with ‘special’ offers)
  • Increment a count variable (for different flow mechanics - a loop could also be nice)

I have not yet found a way to do this, and if none exists, please add this to your near future road map, please.

Hello @larindom ,

You could try use a placed order to add the latest Placed Order date as a Profile property, you will need to create a Flow that creates the custom property and assigns it to a Profile whenever they place an order. Whenever the Profile places an order, the custom property value will update with the latest Placed Order date.

Then once this property has been assigned to a Profile, you will also be able to property to create Date-Triggered Flows. More details on these Flows can be found here.

Indeed adding a tag could help you here.


With the incremental update how did you plan to use it or where do you plan on using it for?

I could imagine create a flow with different splits that add a tag for each quantity of total orders. But keep in mind if you'd want to also factor in cancellations or refunds.


Omar Lovert // Polaris Growth // Klaviyo Master Platinum Partner
