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Cometí el error de de crear mis flujos solo. sucede que iniciaran a enviarse cuando no deben hacer. solo debo cambiar la configuración de disparo. alguien sabe como puedo hacerlo ??


Hello @angelo,

Thanks for sharing your question with the Klaviyo Community! So others Community members can follow along, I’ve translated your question below:


I made the mistake of creating my flows alone. It happens that they will start to be sent when they should not. I just need to change the shooting settings. someone know how to I can do? Thank you


Since it sounds like you may have made a mistake when creating/setting up your flow and want to change the trigger of the flow, you can do so by cloning the flow. Through the process of cloning the flow, this would allow you to also update the trigger for the flow as detailed in the How to Change a Flow Trigger Help Center article. 

Keep in mind that if your flow is either list or segment triggered, you would be unable to clone the flow to update its trigger to be that of a metric/event’s. The reverse would be true where you would be unable to turn a metric triggered flow to be a list or segment triggered flow through cloning. Instead, you’ll want to create a brand new flow with your desired triggered if this was your goal. 

I hope this helps!


