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I set up a trigger split where if a customer has a certain products (we call them titles) in their order, they should go into that branch of the flow. I was double checking to see if it was working and I noticed that in the Waiting tab, there is a mix of people in there who qualify and don’t quality for the trigger split.

Does the “Waiting” tab in the trigger split refer to people who have not been categorized as Yes or No yet?

Please see an example of what I saw below. Thanks!


Hey @noobmarket 

Thanks for the follow up questions, happy to help!

There could be a few different reasons why your customers are “waiting”. I can see you have a conditional split with 2 additional filters, can you share what those filters are? Also, do you have any time delays right before this split?

Most likely, they are waiting because they haven’t met the conditions to move down either path.

The “when” column that you shared in your image is when the profile what added to the “waiting” list. If there is a time delay, this timestamp is used to calculate when they will continue on through your flow. For example if there is a time delay of 5 days, the profile will move through the flow 5 days after the timestamp. 

Hope this helps clarify a little bit more. 

why are all the profiles stuck in the waiting stage?

when will my 1st email be triggered?



I checked who are in the waiting status.  What does the “when” column mean?  Does it mean what time evaluation will happen?



Never mind, I found the answer. Here it is (if anyone else is curious, as well):

View Trigger Split Activity

When individuals enter your flow, they are automatically queued in the Waiting tab for the first step. When an individual reaches a split in a flow, they will wait at this split until the scheduled evaluation time arrives. After a recipient is evaluated at a split, they will then be scheduled for the first step down the appropriate YES or NO path.

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